URGENT: Support the WSGVAP
There are three critically important actions you can take to support the proposed West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan (WSGVAP).
The WSGVAP was developed by Los Angeles County with input from Altadena residents.
AltadenaWILD strongly supports the WSGVAP because it will discourage new developments in our treasured foothills. It will direct growth away from established hazard areas, preserve natural and biological resources, and prevent habitat disturbance and fragmentation. The WSGVAP was unanimously endorsed by the County’s Regional Planning Commission in September and awaits final action by the Board of Supervisors on December 10, 2024.
Please add your voice to community members who are already backing the plan! Join AltadenaWILD, Altadena Heritage, Arroyos and Foothills Conservancy, Beautiful Altadena, and the Chaney Trail Corridor Project to:
1. Write a Letter to County District Five Supervisor Kathryn Barger by December 4, 2024
Letters can be short, but please customize them with what has meaning to you. Feel free to select one or more of the WSGVAP policies listed in this Call to Action and Joint Letter of Support from AltadenaWILD and the Chaney Trail Corridor Project. Click here for a sample email framework with prompts. Your letter will become a part of the public record. If you are rushed, even a one-sentence statement of support is important. If you previously wrote a letter of support to the Regional Planning Commission, you may send the same letter to Supervisor Barger (Kathryn@bos.lacounty.gov).
2. Sign Our Online Petition of Support by December 9, 2024
If you believe that Los Angeles County should direct new developments away from fire hazard areas and environmentally sensitive areas in the Altadena foothills, you should sign this petition.
We ask for your street address and zip code, but not house/apartment number. Petition signers should be residents of Los Angeles County and at least 14 years of age. Multiple people living in the same household should sign separately.
3. Make a Public Statement at the Board of Supervisors (BoS) meeting on December 10, 2024, starting at 9:30am
Members of the public are permitted to register to make public comments at the December 10 BoS meeting. You can attend the meeting in person, or virtually. Comments are typically limited to two minutes duration, but if the number of speaking requests is very large, you may be limited to one minute. We suggest you write down your remarks, using your submitted letter as a template. Be prepared with a shortened version of remarks also.
If possible, attend in person in Room 381B of the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration, 500 West Temple Street in LA, or participate remotely. If you wish to view the hearing online and/or make public comments virtually, instructions will be provided by the County at the County Board of Supervisors meeting agenda page.