Donate Towards Our $100K Community Contribution Campaign
AltadenaWILD (AW) was formed to challenge plans to build a private school sports complex in a high fire hazard and environmentally sensitive area of the Altadena foothills.
In its 21-month life, AW has led the campaign to educate our community and as one, we are all now celebrating the demise of this ill-conceived concept. AW’s successful campaign revealed there is still much work to be done to protect our treasured Altadena foothills.
The campaign gave voice to a strong community demand for the opportunity to define a preservation plan for 78 acres along Chaney Trail, including soliciting and receiving input with other credible and experienced environmental and conservation organizations on protecting the essential wildness of the area. Preliminary discussions have begun which position AW as a local partner with larger regional, state and national partner organizations to develop a plan that honors the legacy of a nine-decade nursery while preserving and enhancing public access to these unique lands.
In this season of giving, please consider a tax-deductible donation AW to help preserve the Altadena foothills. AW’s goal is to raise $100,000 as the community contribution towards a land conservation and preservation fund to protect the Chaney Trail properties. While this is only a small fraction of the needed resources, your support will help AW sustain the interest of larger organizations in this area. Such grassroots contributions are essential in demonstrating to state funding agencies and non-profit foundations the commitment of the community towards a particular conservation goal. Donations made previously to defray the costs of an independent analysis of an Environmental Impacts Report associated with the withdrawn sports complex will now be applied to conservation efforts.
AW is committed to working on preservation-based solutions in the Altadena foothills and on continued outreach and community education projects that celebrate the virtues of these accessible wildlands on the edge of an urban environment. No portion of your contributions will be used for salaries of AW Officers or Directors, all of whom generously contribute their time to protect and conserve our Altadena foothills.