Altadena Eaton Fire
The Officers and Board of Directors for AltadenaWILD are deeply saddened by the catastrophe that has impacted our beloved community resulting from the Eaton Fire. Our hearts ache…
A Musical Gift for our Foothills
AltadenaWILD partnered with a talented young violinist selected by National Public Radio’s From the Top to create a project blending music and the environment. Listen to Mallika and her fellow string players perform Haydn’s String Quartet “The Frog”on a chilly fall morning in Millard Canyon, honoring the musicality of the frogs who live and sing there.
Altadena Chamber of Commerce “Citizen of the Year”
Michael Bicay, President of AltadenaWILD, has been named the “Citizen of the Year” for 2024 by the Altadena Chamber of Commerce!
Donate Towards Our $100K Community Contribution Campaign
On Giving Tuesday 2024, we’re kicking off our campaign to raise $100,000 as a community contribution towards preservation.
AltadenaWILD is participating in initial discussions with conservation organizations, tribal groups, and outdoor education groups to define a low-impact preservation plan for 78 acres along Chaney Trail in Altadena.
Your donation will help make a “community contribution” that demonstrates local support to State agencies and philanthropic foundations and helps leverage grant funds.
Apply to be a Director/Officer by Dec 20
AltadenaWILD solicits applications for up to four new Directors for the 2025-2026 term, expanding the diversity of experience beyond the current seven-member Board. We welcome all interested adult applicants 18 years old and up. Successful applicants will be proactive participants and bring skills in conserving the environment, education, event planning, social media, and/or fundraising/grant writing.